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Friday 3 July 2015

(GUEST BLOG) Dana Burkey

 Today, the lovely author, Dana Burkey will be taking over and doing a guest blog post! Enjoy, and remember if you ever want to do a guest blog post Contact Me!

Reality Favorites!

Summer is here, and with it comes some of my favorite TV shows. Now, before you start guessing what those shows are, I should let you know a hint to narrow down your guess: I LOVE reality TV! In fact, I love reality TV show much I thought it would be fitting to put together a little list for you to see just what my favorite shows are. So, here is a list of my top 10 favorite reality TV shows! Take a look at the list, and let me know what ones I missed, what ones you love/hate, or even what your list looks like! Okay, here we go:

Intensity and manliest converge in this amazing show that has been on for ages! I started watching in season 2 and have been hooked ever since. I love getting to know the crews, the boats, and seeing the risk they take each season. The current season has been great to watch my favorite boat, The Cornelia Marie, back in the water going for the crab!

#9: #Rich Kids of Beverly Hills:
After seeing a few previews I started to watch this show as research for a new book I'm working on. The only problem was that I got hooked. All the drama and care free money spending is hard to look away form. It still baffles me that there are people that can live like that, while I clip coupons every time I head to the craft store. But, maybe one day the magical money fairy will let me live like them as well!

#8: Botched:
I've been fascinating with plastic surgery for a long time. No, I don't intend on going under the knife myself, but the lengths people go to for "beauty" are astounding. I really like that on Botched we get to see people who had bad plastic surgery get it corrected. It makes for transformations and a cautionary tale all in one. Not great if you get squeamish over blood and broken bodies, but thanks to years of watching Fear Factor, I really love this show!

#7: Amazing Race:
I only started watching this show a year ago, but I am sure hooked! Our theme this year at my work was Amazing Race, so I watched a few season on YouTube this past summer for inspiration. I got really into it, and there is no turning back. I'm sure it helped that I got to cheer on Bethany Hamilton for a whole season! I think it's the second show I would want to be on if I ever went on a reality TV show. Want to know my first choice? Keep reading!

#6: Ink Masters:
I thought about keeping this one off the list, since it is for sure dangerous, but needed to be honest about things, so here it is. The reason it is bad is that when I watch Ink masters, all I want to do is go get a new tattoo! I already have 8, with plans for at least two or three in the next few months. Every new episode gives me a new idea or helps me remember just how much I want certain ones. But, I can't NOT watch, since it is really awesome to see the artists making beautiful pieces each week!

#5: RuPaul's Drag Race:
From a young age I was fascinated with RuPaul and how she transformed with makeup and costume. Drag Race gives me a chance to watch as talented men use theater skilled I myself learned in college to perform as and celebrate women. This show is hilarious and amazing and at times so emotional! Oh, and this season has brought to light my favorite drag queen to date: Katya! Do yourself a favor and look up her "All That Jazz" performance!

#4: The Challenge:
Formerly known as the "Real World, Road Rules Challenge," each season pits former MTV reality starts against one another. Each season has new twists, turns, and drama! One thing that I love most, is that every season brings back competitors who I have been watching for years now! I get to cheer on people I feel like I already know as they deal with crazy drama, intense competition, and also some strategic game play. My two favorite competitors are Sara Rice, who won this last season, and Diem Brown who was a true inspirations to thousands up until she lost her battle with cancer this past fall. This is actually the only show I still watch on MTV, and it is worth it each and every time!

#3: So You Think You Can Dance (dance, dance, dance)

This first time I watched SYTYCD was season 4, and by the end of the first week of auditions I was in love! So many amazing dances, choreographers, and all around talent! I now watch every summer from auditions, to Vegas week, to the live shows and finale. Some of my favorite dancers of all time include Josh, Chelsea, Twitch, Melanie and Marco, Kent, and of course Aaron! And my favorite dance of all time? That's easy: Bleeding Love from Season four! I have already been enjoying this season, and cannot wait to see how the street vs. stage season plays out!

#2: American Ninja Warrior:

Like many, I started watching this show thanks to Mighty Kacy! Her inspirational run in the Dallas city finals last season had me in tears when I saw how amazing a woman could do in a male-dominated obstacle course. From there, I began watching the show over and over, each episode from the season playing dozens of times as motivation as I worked ran on my treadmill to train for my half marathon last fall. If it were not for my severe arthritis and carpel tunnel I would totally start training for my chance to make it to the top of Mt. Midoriyamaa. But, instead, I will stick to watching the show while I work out in my living room, racing vicariously through the amazing athletes on each new season of the show!

And, for my #1 favorite reality TV show....

Well, for that you will just have to tune in to Sundays blog! And, check back tomorrow to learn more about me, and also my new book that hits Amazon in just a few short hours!

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